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Mango Butter Fragrance Oil


Pure Undiluted Fragrance Oils

Our fragrance oils are:
Phthalate Free
Perfect for your Bath & Body Products
Skin-safe (not intended for use on eyes or lips)
Made in the USA


Wholesale 8 oz. African Black Soap Paste Deli Containers 100% Pure Raw Natural


We also carry African Shea Butter.

Shea butter “Raw” – African Shea Butter contains essential fatty acids & vitamins A, D, E, & F that provide antioxidants & assist with UV Ray Protection.
Imported from the West African Country of Ghana
Then packaged in a super Quality Controlled Facility!
Soft, Clean, Pure, & Ivory or Yellow Colored –

Raw Organic
& Virgin (Used this way in Africa for centuries!)

Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Mango Butter, or Kokum Butter are also available.

Liquid Scented African Black Soap Infused with Fragrances or Essential Oils. Safe for Face, Body Acne Scars or Eczema.


Comparing Strength: Bar, Paste, or Liquid?

The BAR boasts raw potency, making it ideal for even the most sensitive skin.

The PASTE, while strong, offers a milder option compared to the bar.

LIQUID, being the gentlest, is less intense than both bar and paste. For individuals with sensitive skin, we recommend opting for the liquid black soap.

Please conduct a patch test on a small area to ensure you won’t experience any allergic reactions.

Additionally, we offer a selection of butters including Cocoa, Mango, Mancoshea blend, and Kokum.

Click the red letters below to check out any of our natural body butter recommended to use after cleaning your skin with ourAfrican Black Soap.




Moringa Black Soap 1 lb. Bar Vegan Unrefined Pure Natural


Buy ONE, Get ONE 50% OFF

To qualify for the promotion, you have two options: either add three pouches of the same product to your cart or mix and match them with any other Black soap products.

Click the red letters below to mix and match with other powders





We also carry African Shea Butter.

Shea butter “Raw” – African Shea Butter contains essential fatty acids & vitamins A, D, E, & F that provide antioxidants & assist with UV Ray Protection.
Imported from the West African Country of Ghana
Then packaged in a super Quality Controlled Facility!
Soft, Clean, Pure, & Ivory or Yellow Colored –

Raw Organic
& Virgin (Used this way in Africa for centuries!)

Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Mango Butter, or Kokum Butter are also available.


Moringa Black Soap 1 lb. Vegan Unrefined Natural


To qualify for the promotion, you have two options: either add three pouches of the same product to your cart or mix and match them with any other Black soap products.

Click the red letters below to mix and match with other powders


Pure  Natural Superfood



Moringa Black Soap Wholesale Unrefined Natural


Check out the rest of Moringa’s products.

Click the letters below





Fenugreek Seeds Trigonella foenum-graecum Whole (Methi) Seed 100% Raw Bulk


Fenugreek Seeds Trigonella foenum-graecum Whole (Methi) Seed 100% Raw Bulk 100% Natural No-Salt NO MSG No-GMO 1 oz., 10 lbs., 15 lbs, and 20 lbs., bags are packed in a food-grade plastic bags. All the other sizes are packed in heat-sealed food-grade clear plastic pouches.

Flax Seed GROUND Brown Powder 100% Pure Natural RAW Bulk Omega-3 Flaxseed


Aroma Depot 10 lbs and 15 lbs bags are packed in food-grade plastic bags. (Please be advance the lighting may alter the color) All the other sizes are packed in heat-sealed food-grade clear plastic pouches

Licorice Root Powder (Liquorice) Mulethi Glycyrrhiza glabra 100% Natural Raw


Licorice Root Powder (Liquorice) Mulethi Glycyrrhiza glabra 100% Natural Raw Licorice root powder is a fine, ground form of the licorice root, which is the root of the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant. This versatile herbal powder has been used for centuries in various cultures for its potential health benefits and unique flavor. Here are some details […]

Dutch Blue Poppy Seeds Premium Whole Bulk


Dutch Blue Poppy Seeds Papaver Somniferum Poppy seeds are tiny, kidney-shaped seeds that come from the opium poppy plant (Papaver somniferum). The seeds are very small, typically around 1 millimeter in length, and are harvested from the dried seed pods of the poppy plant. Poppy seeds have a mild, nutty flavor and are commonly used […]

Wheatgrass Powder Pure Non-GMO Superfood Vegan Alfalfa Pasto de Trigo


Wheatgrass Powder Pure Non-GMO Superfood Vegan Alfalfa Pasto de Trigo Wheatgrass powder is a fine, green powder made from the young shoots of the common wheat plant (Triticum aestivum).

Noni Powder Herb Tea 100% Natural Raw Herbal Remedy Morinda citrifolia Juice Lot


Noni powder is made from the fruit of the noni tree (Morinda citrifolia). The noni tree is native to Southeast Asia and Australasia, but is now widely cultivated in tropical regions around the world.